Our Libraries will be closed on Friday 27 September for the AFL Grand Final public holiday. Return chutes will remain open.
Learn the foundations of a fun granny square, a great starting point for all beginners.
The hubmle granny square is a verstile crochet pattern that can be turne into anything if you make enough of them.
Pair them together to make blankets, handbags, crop tops, cradigans and more.
Our lesson will focus on a slighly complex version with a sunflower in the centre.
Beginners are welcome with all materials supplied.
Free bookings essential.
Book Now
If you can't make it on the day, please let us know, so that your tickets can be freed up for others to attend.
Hastings Library, 7 High Street, Hastings, 3915, View Map
7 High Street , Hastings 3915