Kids eComics
We have a great range of eBooks and eComics you can easily download to read on your phone, tablet, PC or MAC anytime, anywhere.

BorrowBox offers eComics and graphic novels available at your fingertips, including all your favourite and classic titles.
Browse now and download straight to your phone, tablet, ereader or computer.

All Hoopla eComics and graphic novels are available for instant downloading for online and offline reading, with zero waitlists!
Hoopla syncs across all your devices, so you can stream titles immediately or whenever you’re in the mood.
How many can I borrow?
- You can borrow up to 10 eBooks or eComics at once
- The loan period is 21 days and items may be renewed upon request.
- If an eBook or eComic is on loan, you can reserve it and you will receive an email when it is ready for you to download.
- You can borrow up to 10 items per month across all Hoopla resources
- All Hoopla titles are available for instant downloading for online and offline reading, with zero waitlists!
What do I need to access eBooks & eComics?
- Sign up as a web or full library member and use your membership number and PIN.
- An email account.
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