Bring your little ones along to the library and let them enjoy a magical time with stories, rhymes and songs. Meet other local parents and kids at these free sessions tailor made for babies, toddlers and preschool aged children. All sessions are free, and no bookings are required.
Term 1 28 January - 4 April
Term 2 22 April - 4 July
Term 3 21 July - 19 September
Term 4 6 October - 19 December
Preschool Storytime
Ages - Four to five
Length: 45 minutes
Includes: Songs, rhymes, books and a craft activity
Develops: Language, imagination and concentration whilst introducing them to a wide range of books.
Sensitive Storytime
Ages - Four to Seven
Length: 30 Minutes
Includes: Stories, songs, movement and bubbles in small groups to help keep children attentive in a relaxed environment.
Develops: Language, imagination and concentration whilst introducing them to a wide range of books.
What to expect: These are specially developed storytime to ensure a relaxed environment. Please watch our video or read our story(PDF, 36MB) to learn more about the storytimes.
Mornington Library: Alternate Tuesdays of each month at 11am to 11.45am during the school term.
Our numbers for our sessions will be limited so bookings are essential.
Read our Social Story for Sensitive Storytime at Mornington Library(PDF, 940KB)
Toddler Time
Ages - One to three
Length: 30 minutes
Includes: Songs, rhymes and books. You will Sing, dance and read along with your child.
Develops: Their language, motor and social skills.
Baby Time
Ages - Birth to twelve months
Length: 30 minutes
Includes: Songs, rhymes and simple books
Develops: Help your babies mind to grow by learning new words and songs as well as developing language and concentration. Stimulate their young minds and start to develop a love of reading from a young age.